• What is truly debt freedom

What is truly debt freedom

February 8th, 2023|

Are you tired of being in debt? Ready to get your finances under control? Many people think that becoming debt-free is impossible, but the truth is that it can be done – and it doesn’t [...]

  • Useful budget basics

Useful Budget Basics For Beginners

February 11th, 2022|

The word "budget" brings up images of penny-pinching and the unpleasant duty of crunching numbers for most people. This couldn't be further from reality. A budget is the foundation of a solid financial foundation, and [...]

  • The Importance of Having a Bankruptcy Attorney Blog Cover

The Importance of Having A Bankruptcy Attorney

January 7th, 2022|

Filing for bankruptcy is a fantastic approach to get out from under heavy debt, and most people feel tremendous release when their bankruptcy case is closed. However, comprehending the procedure and completing bankruptcy paperwork can [...]

  • bankruptcy consequences

The Consequences of Bankruptcy

October 23rd, 2020|

Bankruptcy is a complex issue with both positive and negative consequences.   Bankruptcy can be a complex process, and the average person probably isn't equipped to go through it alone.Working with a bankruptcy attorney [...]

  • Gershfeld Law Group Legal Debt Resolution

What can Gershfeld Law Group do for you?

September 24th, 2020|

What can Gershfeld Law Group do for you? We offer the following services: 1 – Legal Debt Resolution Legal debt resolution has become a solution for thousands of people across the country. When managed [...]

  • Blog1

8 simple tips that impact your wallet!

September 8th, 2020|

8 simple tips that impact your wallet! We’re all about saving our clients’ money at Gershfeld Law Group and we have some awesome tips for you to do exactly that. Our goal is to [...]